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Endorsements and Supporters of RCV
The following organizations and individuals have endorsed and/or used Ranked Choice Voting in Indiana. Any endorsements listed are by third parties of our mission, not by our organization of third parties. We neither endorse nor support any candidates nor political parties. If you or your organization are interested in being included on this list, please contact us or complete the form below. Thanks for your support!
Tommy Brown III 2022 Libertarian candidate for County Commissioner District 2 in Washington County.
Indivisible NWI On August 19, 2021, Indivisible NWI welcomed Michaela Spangenburg from Better Ballot Indiana to discuss RCV. (ref)
James Sceniak 2022 Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate
League of Women Voters of Indianapolis On June 25, 2021, The League of Women Voters of Indianapolis welcomed Amanda Shepherd from Better Ballot Indiana to learn about RCV. (ref | video)
Indiana State Representative Sue Errington Not only did State Rep. Sue Errington submit legislation in 2021 that would allow RCV to be used in Indiana, she also was featured at our statewide meeting on June 21, 2021. (video)
Donald Rainwater Libertarian Party Candidate for Indiana Governor, 2020. Presented at our statewide meeting on April 19, 2021. (ref)
Indiana Green Party The Indiana Green Party has publicly endorsed RCV and Better Ballot Indiana. (ref)
Liberty Is Essential PAC Better Ballot Indiana was featured in the Liberty Is Essential Newsletter, May 2021. (ref)
Howie Hawkins Green Party Candidate for US President, 2020. Presented at our statewide meeting on March 15, 2021. (ref)
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Endorsements and Supporters of RCV